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Key Stage 5

What can students do to develop their skills in this subject area?

  • Change the language option on their mobile telephone/other devices.
  • Read on-line newspapers in target language – see websites below.
  • Find episodes of television programmes in French/Spanish online to watch.
  • Watch DVDs at home selecting the French/Spanish language option and watch the programmes/films.
  • Listen to French/Spanish music and read the lyrics.
  • Take an interest in French/Spanish current affairs, popular culture and literature – and that of other French/Spanish speaking countries around the world.
  • Listen to French/Spanish radio.
  • Use kerboodle login to access additional resources.
  • Complete extra exercises available on the VLE.
  • Volunteer to assist in lower school MFL clubs.
  • Volunteer to help in lower school French or Spanish lessons.

What websites could students visit to support the curriculum?

French newspapers and publications:

www.lemonde.fr - Le Monde.
www.liberation.fr - Libération.
www.lefigaro.fr - Le Figaro.
www.leparisien.fr - Le Parisien.
www.lesechos.fr - Les Échos.
www.latribune.fr - La Tribune.
www.humanite.presse.fr - l'Humanité.

Spanish newspapers and publications:

www.20minutos.es - 20 Minutos.
www.abc.es - ABC.
www.elperiodico.com - El Periódico.
www.elmundo.es - El Mundo.
www.elpais.com - El País.
www.lavanguardia.com - La Vanguardia.

Other websites:

www.tv5monde.com - French television channel.
www.rtve.es - Spanish television and radio.

How can parents/carers help and what can be done at home?

  • Encourage your son or daughter to read other examples of French or Spanish literature.
  • If anyone in the family or friendship circle speaks a target language, try to organise more contact to practise speaking skills.
  • If you are fortunate to travel to a French or Spanish-speaking destination for your family holidays, encourage your son or daughter to speak in the local language as much as possible.
  • When visiting any attractions in the UK, encourage your son or daughter to read the brochures or guides that are available in French or Spanish to develop vocabulary further; similarly if visiting a particular place such as a cathedral or museum, listen to audio information in the target language.
  • Encourage your son or daughter to watch films, watch television programmes and read online news in the target language.

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Mr N J Whittle