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Course Overview

As a student on this course, you will explore a variety of topics in order for you to understand how we developed into the society we are today. In year one, students will study the topics of the Education System, Culture and Identity, Theory and Methods and Methods in Context. These topics will allow students to question theories such as the role of the education system and its relationship to social class, gender and ethnicity. The relationship between identity to age, disability, ethnicity, gender, nationality, sexuality and social class in contemporary society will also be explored. Students will examine the different ways Sociologists collect and analyse data. In year two students will study the topic of Crime and Deviance. Students will debate various viewpoints on the causes of crime and the role of the criminal justice system. Students will study the topic of Media whereby they will become familiar with sociological explanations for the process and selection of the news, the relationship between ownership and control of the media and the different ways minority groups are represented in the media. Each area of the course will consider various perspectives on our world, from Marxism to Feminism, to a post-modern society.

Assessment & Examination

There is no coursework in Sociology. Students will sit three 2 hour examinations at the end of the course, each being worth 80 marks, and comprising 33% of the A Level qualification.

Paper 1 - a three section paper covering Education, Methods in Context and Theory and Methods. Questions are a mixture of short answers and extended responses.

Paper 2 - a paper covering the two optional units that are studied, Media and Culture and Identity. The questions are a mixture of 10 mark and 20 mark questions.

Paper 3: a paper covering the topics of crime and deviance, theory and methods. The questions are a mixture of short answers and extended responses.

Prior knowledge

There is no expectation that you have any prior knowledge of Sociology. It is preferable, however, that you are already active in engaging with contemporary news stories, especially covering the areas of crime, media and education.

Beyond The Course

This course develops transferrable skills to many subjects and careers. Examples of careers related to Sociology include: law, social work, human resources, policing, education, politics, philosophy, psychology, the media and marketing.

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Mr N J Whittle